Path Forward Leadership

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Unlocking Career and Personal Growth Through Conversations

If you’re having good conversations, you’re probably having a good life. 

I’m not talking about chats; I’m talking about real conversations with substance, in which dreams are shared, fears are given a voice, conflicts are brought out in the open, and relationships move forward.  

It’s really the conversations you’re not having that are the barrier to much of what you want in your career and in your personal life.  

Maybe you took offense at something someone did or said, so you stifle that grievance away and let it smolder and stink. Maybe you have an idea for change at work, but you don’t want to challenge a person in authority, so you go home every day feeling frustrated. Maybe you want to create a better team around you, but you aren’t willing to address the interpersonal or organizational issues that are in the way, so you give up and look to join some other team.  

There is no such thing as a critical conversation that doesn’t hold some risk. Sometimes, it takes two, three, or ten conversations to work through an issue or to make yourself heard. But there is an incredible well of possibilities that require us to dip the bucket in and see what comes up when we pull on the rope.  

Good conversations lead to a good life. Conversations that are never made to happen lead to an incomplete life.